5 Early Warning Signs of Mold Exposure in the House

5 Early Warning Signs of Mold Exposure in the House


It’s estimated that about 70% of American homes have mold. If left unchecked, this mold can eventually destroy your home and health.

How do you detect signs of mold exposure before the problem gets out of control? Believe it or not, most homes already have mold spores inside. Exposure to the outside world automatically makes your house susceptible.

In this article, we’ll dive into the early signs of a mold problem.

1.Unusual Wall Activity

Have you noticed that your wallpaper is starting to act funny? Sometimes people think the cracking, bubbling, and peeling are just the aging process.

Unfortunately, this unusual activity combined with discoloration can actually mean mold. If there’s dampness behind the wallpaper, then you have mold.

2. Poor Health

Does it feel like you just can’t shake an illness? Your symptoms may match that of prolonged cold. This may be due to the beginning growth of mold.

If you don’t keep your house dry or warm enough, you’re giving the mold a chance to grow and expand.

It’s unlikely that your entire house would be filled with mold without you noticing it. At the beginning stages, the mold is usually confined to one room or section. Try to record how you feel after being in a certain room for an allotted amount of time.

If your health takes a nosedive, consider getting local mold remediation by a professional service immediately.

3. Check Your Clothes

People normally think of mold growing on the walls or under a staircase. But it can also start in your laundry.

After you shower and dry off with a towel, don’t leave the towel just lying in a corner or hanging in an area without ventilation. Wet clothes left in dark areas can produce mold extremely fast.

For clothes that have already dried, the mold spores on it could make your skin itchy. Take those clothes off and wash them again.

4. Weird Smells

One of the most subtle but identifiable signs of mold exposure is weird smells. Strange odors coming from a heating or cooling unit usually means there’s mold forming.

Window air conditioning units are the most vulnerable. When they are stored in a dark closet or heated basement, this creates a strong habitat for mold.

Check the components of your window air conditioner before you install it. If you see dark brown or black smudges, take some time to clean it thoroughly. You don’t want mold to get in the lungs of you or loved ones.

5. Humidifier Use

For those who live in areas where the winter lasts for more than two months, humidifiers are blessings. However, overuse creates the environment needed for mold to grow in the winter.

Avoid using a humidifier on high. If possible, turn it off for a few days at a time. Don’t compound the winter with mold.

Understanding the Signs of Mold Exposure

Knowing and understanding the signs of mold exposure gives you the first line in defense for preventing growth.

Don’t let mold become the thing you and your guests notice right away. And don’t let it ruin your health and happiness.

Want to keep learning about how to spot or fix problems in the house? Keep reading more articles for the latest content on home improvement and real estate.

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