Ankarsrum original mixer

Ankarsrum original mixer-


In times when people are in so much rush and hurry, there’s always a need for products which saves time and energy. Ankarsrum original mixer is one such product and it truly saves a lot of time. Machines make lives way easier and there’s always room for such technical products which helps a person in multiple ways. This mixer is not just any other simple mixer but a multi purpose gadget which is both affordable and user friendly. Gone are those days when people used to grind things manually, it is now time for technical goodies to take over and make lives easier.


The ankarsrum original mixer has double the power at 600 watts and a 7.4 quart bowl capacity. It was first made in Sweden in the year 1940 and has been in use since then. It is a multi purpose mixer which caters to a wide range of services. It offers professional functionality and versatility in one convenient countertop tool. Made with high quality steel and sturdy chrome it is surely very durable and strong.


  1. Self adjusting speed control, along with 12 minute timer and bowl speed control.
  2. A movable steel arm holds the roller firmly with a scraper that can be used to roll and knead dough and batter.
  3. A variety of attachments can be used for variety of purposes and these attachments include – meat grinder, vegetable slicer, blender, citrus press, strainer, grater, pasta discs, and flake, grain Mills and cookie press. These attachments are to be purchased separately.
  4. The large plastic bowl for beating (cream, butter etc.) Can hold up to 18-20 eggs.
  5. This product is pretty easy to carry as it weighs only 19lbs and fits in all sorts of cabinets hence it is very customer friendly.
  6. Rubber feet and solid construction keeps the mixer in place during the times when the product is being used.

How to use this product-

  • Insert plug into wall socket and secure the motor base.
  • The product gets started by the on/off knob and in order to start the product, presses the on button for desired period of time and press off which you want to switch it off.
  • The speed adjusting knob is used to direct the speed of the bowl.The speed controlling can also be controlled manually and desired speed can be set by the user.

Assembling the product-

  • The bowl needs to be placed on the motor base and turn the bowl drops down onto the drive socket.
  • Place the dough scrapper down into the smaller hole located near the tension knob.
  • Place the roller under the arm and push the pin downwards onto the center of the roller. Tighten the tension knob.

Usage of the product-

Dough mixing or dough preparation-the roller and scrapper can be used for mixing or preparing doughs of various kinds.

Creaming butter- the butter which is to be buttered needs to be kept in room temperature for few minutes and then it needs to be shifted to the bowl. With the help of the scrapper the butter is creamed. This process takes maximum 5 minutes.

Cookies- cookie doughs can be easily formed with the help of this mixer. The individual ingredients can be easily mixed and a perfect consistency can be formed.

Other important details-

The Ankarsrum models come with a warranty of 7 years on the motor base assembly. Replacement and repair of damaged parts can be performed very easily and for any sort of problems faced for this purpose the customer can directly contact the company.

Where to use this product?

This product can be used at various places like-

  1. Households and kitchens.
  2. Factories and food production houses.
  3. Bakeries

This multi purpose gadget is very user friendly and can be used in various places as it caters to various services.


One needs to buy this product in order to save time. The cost of the product is affordable as the quality is great. Ankarsrum models are the best in terms of quality, strength and availability. It can be best used for cooking purposes and there’s definite assurance of this product being genuine.

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