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Health Issues of having a wet basement in Toronto


A leaky basement shouldn’t be ignored by any homeowner. Home waterproofing and foundation repair are the best options to resolve your wet basement issues in Toronto. This isn’t just important for the structural safety of your house, but also for the well-being of your family members. Still if you think that wet basement isn’t much of an issue, then here are the major health issues which a damp basement in Toronto can cause.

Bacterial growth in a wet basement

Dampness in a basement works as a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Once airborne, the bacteria can lead to different toxic infections and if not cleaned properly, the illness will keep coming back. The bacteria love to grow on wet, organic matter such as wall, wooden floor. And, without the right foundation sealing, these bugs can easily spread all over your home.

Mold and mildew growth quite common in a wet basement environment

Mold is a common health issue which flourishes in damp environments. In simple words, they are fungus and can be seen in different colors. They may appear fuzzy but multiply rapidly on just anything in the basement, right from wall to carpeting. They release small fungus pores in the air and when ingested they are extremely hazardous to your airways. If you spend time in a mold-infect atmosphere, it can lead to headaches, respiratory issues, eye infection and asthma.

Dust mites thrive in your moist basement

Noticed this trend till now? Well, after bacteria and fungus, now you should move to the list of six-legged pests. Dust mites are a shocking side effect to wet basements. They breed in warm, moist environments and feel right at home with water around. So, if you notice sneezing, stuffed nose or itching in the eyes, then your basement has been invaded by dust mites. In order to get rid of these bugs, it is suggested to keep the humidity levels lower than 50 percent and invest in air conditioning for really hot days.

Different types of other pests can breed because of wet basement conditions

The last thing you want in your basement is to notice creeping-crawling pests. A wet basement attracts pests like spiders, ants, cockroaches and rats which aren’t pretty good guests for your house.

Poor health environment in the house

High moisture levels in your basement doesn’t just damage your property but triggers bad health impact such as breathing problems, respiratory infections and different types of allergies. You should prevent this from happening by waterproofing your basement. This makes your basement dry and doesn’t let any pathogen and germs grow.

There is no need to worry about the health hazards if you have chosen the right solution for basement waterproofing in Toronto. Work actively. Waterproofing PD in Toronto is your one-stop solution to make your basement dry and healthy. So, give them a call today for an inspection and put in your best efforts to revive your basement and eradicate these pests and pathogens from your house.

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