Bonsai Tree

Bonsai Trees – Things that You Need to Know


Many Bonsai enthusiasts began their hobby by buying or obtaining a ready-made Bonsai tree from a Bonsai online store. While you won’t get the same thrill as making your tree, it’s a great way to get started and get a feel for primary Bonsai tree care. Once you’ve developed an interest in Bonsai, you will finally learn to make your own.

What is the best place to buy a Bonsai tree?

Most major garden centres sell low-cost Bonsai trees, often of dubious quality if you look closely to buy trees online.  

Bonsai trees are also available from many specialist (online) Bonsai stores, albeit at slightly higher prices. However, if you’re searching for a store near you or looking to buy trees online, an e-store like I’m growing old can be an ideal option. 

A Simple Bonsai tree buying advice

Purchase a tree appropriate for the location; only indoor (subtropical) trees can thrive indoors, just as outdoor trees will thrive only when placed outdoors.

You may adjust the plant’s shape with pruning and wiring techniques, but the trunk and root flare (nebari) are generally set. Make sure you pick a tree with a trunk that attracts you when you go tree shopping.

However, if you are a beginner, you must not begin by purchasing a tree that demands a lot of attention; instead, you should start with an easy-to-care-for tree. Before buying a tree, consulting a bonsai tree specialist can turn out to be quite useful!

Choosing your tree

The most crucial factor when purchasing a Bonsai tree is the tree’s position. Choose an indoor Bonsai if you intend to keep it in your living room (like a Ficus, Jade or Carmona). If you want to put your tree outside, you have many more options; common and healthy choices include Junipers, Maples, and Elms.

A Ficus Bonsai tree, Carmona, and Chinese elm are among the indoor Bonsai trees. One can store both of these items in your living room if placed in a bright spot. Preferably directly in front of a south-facing window.

Keeping a Bonsai Tree as an Indoor Plant

Many novices discover the hard way that leaving a bonsai alone for several days will ruin it. This continuous need for attention explains why bonsai enthusiasts are so committed and patient. Indeed, mastering the art of Bonsai cultivation takes several years of practice. Growing the “ideal” Bonsai necessitates a lot of patience.


Regularly Pruning a Bonsai is without a doubt the most effective way to train it. There are two types of pruning techniques: maintenance pruning, which is used to preserve and improve a Bonsai’s current form, and structural pruning, which is used to give a tree its basic shape or design.

Pruning is essential to preserve a tree’s form. Use twig shears or standard cutters to prune branches and shoots that have outgrown the expected canopy shape. The right Bonsai tools will make a big difference. 

So, don’t be afraid to prune your Bonsai regularly; it’s enough to encourage the tree to grow more evenly and produce dense foliage.

Hope this blog helps you in planting your next bonsai at your home!

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