A Guide To Picking The Right Pergola Designs

A Guide To Picking The Right Pergola Designs


Many families love to spend some time outdoors, especially when the weather is good. That is why it is good to have a pergola. It is excellent to incorporate this architectural design into your home not only to create a beautiful facade outside but also for its functional purposes. So if you are looking to add a pergola to the outdoor of your home, then look at the pergola designs, and here’s a guide for you.

What is The Pergola?

This is an architectural structure that has parallel colonnades to support an open roof of the girders and cross rafters. This also features columns that help support beams, rafters, as well as stringers. There are pergolas that are freestanding while others are attached to the main building. Pergolas are commonly used to enhance the outdoor living areas or the decks. And also, they act as a shade structure.

Important Parts of a Pergola

For the pergola to stand erectly and safely, whether freestanding or attached, it is important that you know its important parts. This way, you will have an idea of how pergolas are built even if you are not the one who will be building it for you:

  • Every freestanding pergola needs at least three columns. And for the attached style, needs at least two columns. The columns are the most important part of the pergola as it supports the beams along the width of the structure.
  • The beams are supported by the columns. It runs the width of the pergola in order to support the stringers and the rafters. With the freestanding pergola, you will need two beams, while for the attached style, you will need a beam on one side and also a ledger board where it is attached to the wall.
  • These are installed across the beams and it should run perpendicular to them. The ends of the rafters can be angled or traditional depending on what you prefer when it comes to the style.
  • Stingers or Purlins. These are installed above the rafters and should run perpendicular to them while parallel to the beams. They should be evenly placed across the top of the structure and are usually square.
  • Ledger Board. It works as a beam and supports the rafters. If you have an attached pergola, the ledger board is affixed in order to support the wall. Bur for freestanding structures, you will not be needing the ledger board, but instead, a beam to keep it upright.

Finding the Perfect Pergola for You

When it comes to the perfect pergola choice, that will depend on your style and preference. Of course, you are the one who should decide about the design and architecture of this outdoor structure. Still, it is best that you work with an expert. Find designs that you like online and talk to your builder about it. See if the design that you prefer is doable. And of course, you need to take into consideration not only the design but also the materials that you will need to use. Your pergola will serve different purposes. So make sure that you give time to research and plan on it before you decide.

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